Thursday, September 22, 2011

Listen To Your Soul

Have you ever felt uncomfortable in certain environments, or around certain people, for no apparent reason?  If it happens on a regular basis, it might be your soul's way of alerting you to a potential threat/danger of a physical nature.  Many times, people experience recurring signs or odd coincidences that they simply shrug off.  However these are some of the ways our intuition tries to communicate with us.  If you know how to tap into your soul's intuition, you'll enable it to guide you, giving you a better chance to thwart off potential health hazards.

     If any of the following occur with frequency, your gut may be trying to tell you something:

*Physical Manifestations--These are perhaps the most common way your gut will try to alert you to a situation that isn't healthy.  They can play into any situation--people or circumstances.  These signs play profound roles in my life, particularly among interactions with others.  If a person's energy is negative or unhealthy for me, I'll feel overcome by extreme fatigue and uneasiness, so much so that the life feels like it's being sucked out of me.  If I find myself in a potentially harmful situation/environment, my gut will make me feel consumed by physical symptoms.  Physical signs can range from mild headaches to excruciating stomach pains, and they can be experienced before, during, or after exposure (to the unhealthy situation, person, threat).

*Synchronicity/Odd Coincidences--Most of us believe that most major occurrences in life happen for a reason.  Seemingly inconsequential events can also hold similar significance, especially if they're repetitive.  Pay attention to things that grab your attention.  Do you keep seeing the same TV commercial, billboard, or headline about the same medical condition?  Are you associating with other people who are going through their own health problems, who share their stories with you?  Pay attention to timing and patterns.  Sometimes they are coincidences, but other times they are ways of getting you to tune into your body's needs.

*Dreams/Foreshadowing--Our subconscious uses creative and eccentric ways of communicating with us.  Dreams are one of them.  The inherent problem with dreams, however, is that they seldom represent the issue at face value.  That is, we have to probe into their true meaning.  If you dream about certain physical ailments, you're probably experiencing some form of disruption in a separate area of your life.  For example, dreaming about a heart attack might indicate a recent loss of love from a very important person. 

*Inherent Feeling of Knowing--This is a very common way that your soul will get your attention. If there's something pressing that you're unable to see, choose to ignore, or repress it will nag you until you recognize it, investigate, and take action.  If the idea of chronic headaches keeps popping into your head, you might want to get your head checked, especially if you're already experiencing physical symptoms.  Constantly thinking about it at random, as opposed to obsessively focusing on it out of fear/concern, could indicate the presence of an underlying medical condition.

      While there is unbelievable power in positive thinking and its ability to stave off negative events in our lives, shit happens.  We don't live a stress free existence, sadly, so it's important to be your own health care advocate.  Begin by paying attention to how your soul communicates with you.  It just might save you..

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